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2025 Hobby Resolutions

I wrote a post last year detailing some goals for the year, in the hope that some structure might help me actually finish something for once. It kinda helped, I did look back it at once or twice, but success was a mixed bag, because as usual one thing led to another and one hobby project got dropped for three more.

Status check on 2024

  1. Sort out the Atari STF that I bought and need to sell

I actually did this one! You can read the write up but basically I got it cleaned up, fixed a few bits on it and sold it on to a local guy who was keen to relive some of his childhood. Pefect.

  1. Finish the TIC-80 platformer I started, at least to the point of making it a worthwhile 'demo' of sorts

Yeah, not so much. I don't think I've written any code for the TIC-80 this year, though I'll have to check my repos to be sure of that. I did however get my Atari STE platformer back up and running, made a bit of progress, and then got distracted. I started porting a friend's ZX Spectrum Next BASIC game to the STE instead, and thought that would be done for Christmas. All that's left to do is the help text for the front end, but it's been that way for a month. Ho hum.

  1. If possible, get my old Honda CBR1000F back on the road
  2. If not possible, because it's in more of a state than I already know, get rid of it

Possibility still unknown. Said Honda is in far more parts than it was at the start of the year, most of it's on a shelf.

This Year?

Here's a few goals for the year that seem doable.

  1. Finish the port of the ZX Spectrum Next game
  2. Get a fully playable 'demo' (i.e. at least one level) of my STE platformer - a complete vertical slice
  3. Get the engine out of the Honda, then remove from the block the stuck exhaust studs. At some point someone welded nuts to these in an attempt to get them out and still couldn't budge them. I think a drill is going to be required
  4. Stretch Goal - Get the Honda running

No doubt when I come to review this list next year I'll have done some very different things alotgether, but time will tell.